Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is the beginning new short story I'm writing =] Hope you like it so far =]

I didn't mean to fall in love with Jimmy. He was the greatest friend anyone could've asked for. I don't know why he chose me, I don't think I'll ever know. But one thing i do know, is he changed me, and I'm eternally grateful.
Chapter one
"Ms.Robinson! You can't kick me out for stating my opinion!" I yelled picking up my bag and tossing it fiercely across my shoulders.
"She can when the opinion is me going to hell!" Lukas Manson said, pissed off at me.
"Mr.Manson! Be quiet or you'll be joining Mercedes down at the Deans office!"
We had been having a class debate in World History. Lukas was on the opposing team as me. He was such a sleez, always making sexual jokes aimed at me. Such as winking at me, licking his lips toward me, or mouthing vile things. I told him to go to hell, and I get kicked out.
I walked out, infuriated.
"Hi Mercy." The Deans secretary said smiling as i walked in. We'd become close over the years. I was a senior now and i was sent there everyday for three years. So we should be on first name basis by now.
And thats the first time i saw him, he had blond short hair, gray eyes and he was wearing a purple polo, i normally would never have looked at someone like him, but for some reason. He caught my eye.
He walked in and sat next to me in the uncomfortable blue chairs.
"Hi, what are you in for?" I asked, attempting to flirt.
"I'm new here, I came for my schedule and that jazz. What about you?"
"Oh I got into trouble for telling this guy to go to hell. I get in trouble for the stupidest things." I shrugged and we both laughed.
"Whats your name?" He questioned, giving me a smile, my heart melted, he had the whitest teeth I'd ever seen.
"I'm, uhm, Mercedes, but you can call me Mercy." I mumbled, embarrassed when i realized i was blushing.
"Hmm beautiful name, does everyone call you Mercy or am i just special?" He said winking.
Sending new waves of heat through my face.
"Jimmy, you can go in now." The secretary smiled.
"Well, see ya later Merc." He laughed, shook his head, and disappeared into the back office.

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